
Welcome to the UK Animation & Music Video Festival which celebrates and showcases the most original, exciting and well realised animated films & music videos from around the world.

We started the UK Animation & Music Video Festival in order to have a much more in depth showcase for two of our and our audience’s favourite genres; film with animation & music at their centre. In our festival we will screen the most innovative new animated films & music videos from around the world in all different forms. We are open to everything from dramatic, narrative, comedy, live performance, experimental etc. & all we ask is that the film is made with conviction and will involve an audience. We screen our festival in London, one of the major centres of creative production on the planet and we will endeavour to help our officially selected films gain wider notice within the industry at large.

It is curated by WWCSFF Film Festivals, the same team that produces the
London – Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival 

UK Seasonal Short Film Festival

Asia South East – Short Film Festival

& Our other festivals:

1 World Comedy Film Festival,
London-Seasonal Short Film Festival,
1 World Film Festival
UK Student Film Festival &
01 NFT | New Media | Experimental | Digital Arts Film Festival.